Fall 2017, a long grueling semester filled with lots of homework, working, and staying indoors. Student life is such a sacrifice, I want to badly to have more free time and have more money to GO places. I have had the travel itch so badly these days. I wish we were going somewhere for our anniversary in a couple weeks, but we are saving for a really cool adventure next year. Patience.
Anyway, here are some memories of fall 2017:
a family community
Here at the University Village, families come first. And by families I mean BABIES. Babies everywhere, old and young. (I call all children under the age of 12 babies).
fall general conference
Anyway, here are some memories of fall 2017:
a family community
Here at the University Village, families come first. And by families I mean BABIES. Babies everywhere, old and young. (I call all children under the age of 12 babies).
This is a picture of us enjoying one of the family activities. We got to see the inside of an ambulance, eat cotton candy, and look at children's books. hahaha.
new eats
We love eating out, especially at new places. This Mexican restaurant was a dud because the salsa tasted like Ragu! Horrendous.
sick days.
There were way too many sick days. I blame it on this nasty air!
Giuseppe's first time to Lagoon
It was a lot to take in for him.fall general conference
We spent G-con weekend in Brigham City with Mama Hess. she lives in a very old building.
She treated us like royalty! breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, snacks in bed... (the guest bed is in the living room in front of the TV)
The Surprise
I was on fall break the second week of October and wanted to go somewhere but G had nonstop classes and work that week. I found a 22 hour period between him getting off work on Tuesday and going to class Wednesday evening for us to do something. I kept telling him not to plan anything because there was going to be a Surprise. The Surprise was often talked about and highly anticipated. On the day of The Surprise he came home from work, we got in the car, and I told him where to drive. We ended up at a Lunchbox salon in Park City hahahaha. Unfortunately it was closed so G wasn’t convinced for even a minute that it was The Surprise. We parked there because that’s where our Airbnb hosts told us to park. I pulled a packed suitcase out of the trunk and told him where we were headed! G isn’t the greatest reactor to surprises, but nevertheless he was excited and happy. After settling into our room and briefly meeting our host, we headed to dinner at a saloon on Main Street. We ordered too many fried things, but it was still good.
Later that evening back at the Airbnb after soaking in the hot tub, G turned on the TV in the luxurious living room and I started prepping our dessert. It was very nerve wracking, WHIPPING cream in somebody’s kitchen at midnight while they slept upstairs. I had the beater on a low setting so it took foreverrrrr. And at last, the blackberry shortcake was done. We watched a crime show, and saw a reenactment of a true story, the horrifying murder of 15-year-old Seath Jackson. What a terrible tale. It had us on the edge of our seats and talking for weeks!
After a leisurely morning, Giuseppe decided to take me shopping! That cutie. We just went to two of my favorites, GH Bass & CO where I bought the CUTEST hat, a perfect plaid shirt, and new leggings. I ended up wearing all of those things that weekend when Kylie took our Christmas card pics. Then we went to The Olive Oil Company where I bought some coconut balsamic.
Then in was time for The Surprise part 2: electric bicycling through the mountains of PC! I packed us a lunch and we headed into the mountains on our rented bikes. It was so much fun!
At one point I was going down a hill suuuper fast doing a turkey call. (weird, I know but it's our thing.)
When I finally stopped making that dumb sound, I heard someone behind me speaking to me! I turned around and there was a middle-aged man and his wife asking me about my bike. Haha so embarrassing. We chatted for a few minutes and when we parted ways I asked Giuseppe if he had even heard me turkey calling. He hadn't. The turkey call was only enjoyed by the older couple. Yay.
At one point I was going down a hill suuuper fast doing a turkey call. (weird, I know but it's our thing.)
When I finally stopped making that dumb sound, I heard someone behind me speaking to me! I turned around and there was a middle-aged man and his wife asking me about my bike. Haha so embarrassing. We chatted for a few minutes and when we parted ways I asked Giuseppe if he had even heard me turkey calling. He hadn't. The turkey call was only enjoyed by the older couple. Yay.
After our bike ride, we headed back to reality. On our drive back to SLC our car started overheating really badly so we took it right to our trusty mechanic. We ended up having to take a bus home and pick up the car the next day. It's all good!
Ava's play
I didn't get a picture with Ava, yikes! But look at these cuties before Mary Poppins started.
park city with the Albright's
That next weekend, Kylie took our pictures. She and Corey spent the night at our place so we could get up really early the next day and get some sunrise pictures. Of course we stayed up super late talking and Corey became enthralled with our half-finished puzzle on the table. We couldn't pull him away. Kylie says we've created a puzzle monster!
We blew up a queen size air mattress for them only to discover it had a massive hole! They had to sleep on the twin size air mattress!
It was really hard to get up because we had stayed up so late. Apparently Corey had woken up well before everyone and showered and everything. He's the most silent shower taker in the world because I didn't hear a thing. When I was putting on my coat that morning to head out, Kylie looked at me very calmly and said, "babe, hold very still and take off your coat. Just put it on the ground. Do it now." Petrified, I obeyed her calm voice. There was a huge spider on the back! Yuck so gross. We joked about what would happen if that spider managed to stay unseen on my coat and it appeared in all of the photos, smiling at the camera along with us. Weeks later as Kylie edits the photos, she notices the same smiling spider on my shoulder, in Giuseppe's hair, nestled in between us contently. The three of us. A real family.
Haha Giuseppe and I love spider jokes every since we got sucked into looking up misunderstood spider memes online for several hours one morning back in the spring.
Once in Park City, we snuck up to a shooting range and took some pics there, but Kylie lead us up a much prettier canyon where we ran into this:
An abandoned crashed car! Corey and Giuseppe thought it was just the funniest thing ever and they wanted their picture taken by it. They got out of the car to do their thing and Kylie and I stayed inside chatting. While Giuseppe was taking Corey's photo, the car's owner pulled up along with a little crowd. Haha so awkward! They quickly offered to help. They, along with the help of a guy with a pickup truck attempted to get the car out of the ditch to no avail. Eventually the guy with the pickup truck drove the kid back to town to figure it out. The kid's name is Ernest, and apparently he's a rich teenager who got super excited when he woke up to snow that morning and just knew he needed to take his new car joy riding down the canyon. Kylie and I kept making jokes about Ernest and the lecture he was going to get from his rich daddy but Giuseppe was really defensive of misunderstood Ernest.
We blew up a queen size air mattress for them only to discover it had a massive hole! They had to sleep on the twin size air mattress!
It was really hard to get up because we had stayed up so late. Apparently Corey had woken up well before everyone and showered and everything. He's the most silent shower taker in the world because I didn't hear a thing. When I was putting on my coat that morning to head out, Kylie looked at me very calmly and said, "babe, hold very still and take off your coat. Just put it on the ground. Do it now." Petrified, I obeyed her calm voice. There was a huge spider on the back! Yuck so gross. We joked about what would happen if that spider managed to stay unseen on my coat and it appeared in all of the photos, smiling at the camera along with us. Weeks later as Kylie edits the photos, she notices the same smiling spider on my shoulder, in Giuseppe's hair, nestled in between us contently. The three of us. A real family.
Haha Giuseppe and I love spider jokes every since we got sucked into looking up misunderstood spider memes online for several hours one morning back in the spring.
Once in Park City, we snuck up to a shooting range and took some pics there, but Kylie lead us up a much prettier canyon where we ran into this:
An abandoned crashed car! Corey and Giuseppe thought it was just the funniest thing ever and they wanted their picture taken by it. They got out of the car to do their thing and Kylie and I stayed inside chatting. While Giuseppe was taking Corey's photo, the car's owner pulled up along with a little crowd. Haha so awkward! They quickly offered to help. They, along with the help of a guy with a pickup truck attempted to get the car out of the ditch to no avail. Eventually the guy with the pickup truck drove the kid back to town to figure it out. The kid's name is Ernest, and apparently he's a rich teenager who got super excited when he woke up to snow that morning and just knew he needed to take his new car joy riding down the canyon. Kylie and I kept making jokes about Ernest and the lecture he was going to get from his rich daddy but Giuseppe was really defensive of misunderstood Ernest.
happy birthday to you
Laura turns 61!! We celebrated, per her request, at a pizza restaurant. We chose CPK, she wasn't a big fan of Settebello's last year. We met up with Rob & Angela & Co for a night to celebrate mom! I got to bring Vin because I was babysitting him that night. He was so fun! Except for the blowout right when we got to the restaurant... Haha but he really is the most pleasant little baby. He sat between Laura and I and was doted on the whole time.
Laura turns 61!! We celebrated, per her request, at a pizza restaurant. We chose CPK, she wasn't a big fan of Settebello's last year. We met up with Rob & Angela & Co for a night to celebrate mom! I got to bring Vin because I was babysitting him that night. He was so fun! Except for the blowout right when we got to the restaurant... Haha but he really is the most pleasant little baby. He sat between Laura and I and was doted on the whole time.
lazy day
The day before Halloween I woke up 10 minutes before my class started. In a hectic frenzy, I asked Giuseppe what time he had to work and if he could drop me off. Still half asleep, he told me he had the day off. So I turned off the pesky alarm and snuggled into him. Skipping class every now and then is good for the soul. We spent the day binge watching Stranger Things, I made us snacks throughout the day, and when we got sick of sitting still staring at a screen we ran around on the baseball field next to our apartment. We finished the day at a Halloween party with friends from one of our old wards.
last minute Halloween plans
At my parent's house that weekend, I asked my mom if she had any costumes we could wear for Halloween. She pulled out a bag of stuff and I grabbed this hat. I thought G looked super hot with that wild hair! We dressed up as a county fair pageant queen and her trashy boyf.
With no plans on Halloween, we decided to spend it at our old ward’s Halloween party (The ward we were in for like 3 months). Nobody recognized Giuseppe with his hat on and nobody recognized me because I hardly went to church because I was in France half of our time in the ward. But we had a good time, we really did!
We finished the night finishing Stranger Things (SOOO good) and starting a new show, Zumbo's Just Desserts. It's a competitive dessert making show and it's SO entertaining. I love how much Giuseppe loves it, it's adorable.
..but cause he really knows me
One night I was real moody. G, sensing something was awry, knew just what to do.
First, he lit my Balsam & Cedar candle. The woodsy scent relaxes me.
Then, he turned off the stupid lights in our kitchen. (I think it’s impossible to be your best self when you’re in bad lighting. )
After that, he brought out his speaker and turned on “Call It What You Want”. Instant heart softener.
And finally, he stuck a honey stick in my mouth. Sugar is never a bad idea.
And to top it off, he went into our bedroom and made our bed! Oh how I love the boy. He knows just what I need.
My life changed, thanks to Jimmy Fallon
And then again a few days later I was being moody again. I walked into the room and saw this ready for me! haha he is the cutest.
Anthropologie birthday sale with Vin
Hot husband
Hanging with the Hess'
We went to dinner at Rob and Angela's one Sunday and had the best time catching up with them. They just moved to a new place in Herriman and it's so cute. It has great lighting and a beautiful view of Salt Lake, so what more could you want? Willow is so adorable. I asked her if she knows my name and said confidently, "mom!" When I told her that wasn't it she asked confused, "daddy?" Hahaha.
Sky & I
Bachelorette Party
I threw a bachelorette party for my friend Jodie. I bought balloons that spelled 'bride' and later used some of the balloons at my parents house to portray a different message.
Hess Traditions
We have NO traditions but are wanting to start some, so we decided to celebrate November 7 because that is the day Giuseppe proposed. Unfortunately we were busy with work and school until 9:30 so most of our ideas were out of the question. We decided to see a late movie and sneak some dinner into the theater. We ended up needing to chose a really late show and there were NO restaurants open except Carls Jr.! Ew! Giuseppe wasn't even hungry but I ordered a chicken sandwich and scarfed it down in the car. The bun tasted like angel food cake! What a wacky combo. But I was so hungry I ate it anyway. I also ordered a piece of cheesecake to bring into the theater. I lost the fork somewhere along the way so I ended up eating it with my hands. It melted and made a mess. We saw Happy Death Day which was dumb but really entertaining.
What a classy tradition we've started hahaha!! Regardless of the trashiness, we had a super fun time and G ended the night covered in lipstick, so I'd call it a success.
liz taylor
Liz's 22nd birthday and the release of reputation fell on November 10! We had a sushi & Taylor party to celebrate. Amy's gift was amazing, a Nicholas Cage pillow. What more could you want on a birthday?
Angela hosted the most delicious Thanksgiving! A lot of her family came. I got to spend lots of time with Sky and Willow, they are at such fun ages. I didn't get any pictures unfortunately!
boot huntin'
we had the best weekend in elko with the fam for Raegan's homecoming talk from her mission in Chile. We spent Saturday night driving around town getting pictures in front of these boots! These are just a few of many, many pictures.

Anddd that's a wrap! I really love my majors and my classes were so great this semester. I learned SO MUCH. I wrote so many papers in French and now my writing is actually kind of good. I read so many books and short stories and plays in French. I think my vocabulary has probably doubled. Learning French is so fun, most of the time I felt like I wasn't even doing homework.
I also spent two days a week helping in an ESL classroom at Salt Lake Community College. I learned so much about teaching and language acquisition, it was the greatest hands-on experience. One day after class, one of the students raised her hand and then pointed to me. She told everyone how she thought I was such a great teacher and I had helped her understand a new concept very clearly. That felt SO good! It was such a rewarding experience every day in that class.
And the BIG news is that Giuseppe GRADUATED LDS BUSINESS COLLEGE!! He started right before we got engaged, so LDSBC has always been a part of our married lives. He's thinking about UVU next to get his bachelor's. His degree is in business management and he got really good grades each semester. I'm so proud of him! He loves studying business and he's really good at sales, so whatever he ends up doing career-wise I know he'll be successful.
The day before Halloween I woke up 10 minutes before my class started. In a hectic frenzy, I asked Giuseppe what time he had to work and if he could drop me off. Still half asleep, he told me he had the day off. So I turned off the pesky alarm and snuggled into him. Skipping class every now and then is good for the soul. We spent the day binge watching Stranger Things, I made us snacks throughout the day, and when we got sick of sitting still staring at a screen we ran around on the baseball field next to our apartment. We finished the day at a Halloween party with friends from one of our old wards.
last minute Halloween plans
At my parent's house that weekend, I asked my mom if she had any costumes we could wear for Halloween. She pulled out a bag of stuff and I grabbed this hat. I thought G looked super hot with that wild hair! We dressed up as a county fair pageant queen and her trashy boyf.
With no plans on Halloween, we decided to spend it at our old ward’s Halloween party (The ward we were in for like 3 months). Nobody recognized Giuseppe with his hat on and nobody recognized me because I hardly went to church because I was in France half of our time in the ward. But we had a good time, we really did!
We finished the night finishing Stranger Things (SOOO good) and starting a new show, Zumbo's Just Desserts. It's a competitive dessert making show and it's SO entertaining. I love how much Giuseppe loves it, it's adorable.
..but cause he really knows me
One night I was real moody. G, sensing something was awry, knew just what to do.
First, he lit my Balsam & Cedar candle. The woodsy scent relaxes me.
Then, he turned off the stupid lights in our kitchen. (I think it’s impossible to be your best self when you’re in bad lighting. )
After that, he brought out his speaker and turned on “Call It What You Want”. Instant heart softener.
And finally, he stuck a honey stick in my mouth. Sugar is never a bad idea.
And to top it off, he went into our bedroom and made our bed! Oh how I love the boy. He knows just what I need.
My life changed, thanks to Jimmy Fallon
And then again a few days later I was being moody again. I walked into the room and saw this ready for me! haha he is the cutest.
Anthropologie birthday sale with Vin
Vin loves this place, he's always begging me to go and I'm like, "okay, fine..." He wanders around on his unsteady legs while I hold his hands and steer him away from glass items. He's SO cute.
Hot husband
Hanging with the Hess'
We went to dinner at Rob and Angela's one Sunday and had the best time catching up with them. They just moved to a new place in Herriman and it's so cute. It has great lighting and a beautiful view of Salt Lake, so what more could you want? Willow is so adorable. I asked her if she knows my name and said confidently, "mom!" When I told her that wasn't it she asked confused, "daddy?" Hahaha.
Sky & I
Bachelorette Party
I threw a bachelorette party for my friend Jodie. I bought balloons that spelled 'bride' and later used some of the balloons at my parents house to portray a different message.
Hess Traditions
We have NO traditions but are wanting to start some, so we decided to celebrate November 7 because that is the day Giuseppe proposed. Unfortunately we were busy with work and school until 9:30 so most of our ideas were out of the question. We decided to see a late movie and sneak some dinner into the theater. We ended up needing to chose a really late show and there were NO restaurants open except Carls Jr.! Ew! Giuseppe wasn't even hungry but I ordered a chicken sandwich and scarfed it down in the car. The bun tasted like angel food cake! What a wacky combo. But I was so hungry I ate it anyway. I also ordered a piece of cheesecake to bring into the theater. I lost the fork somewhere along the way so I ended up eating it with my hands. It melted and made a mess. We saw Happy Death Day which was dumb but really entertaining.
What a classy tradition we've started hahaha!! Regardless of the trashiness, we had a super fun time and G ended the night covered in lipstick, so I'd call it a success.
liz taylor
Liz's 22nd birthday and the release of reputation fell on November 10! We had a sushi & Taylor party to celebrate. Amy's gift was amazing, a Nicholas Cage pillow. What more could you want on a birthday?
Angela hosted the most delicious Thanksgiving! A lot of her family came. I got to spend lots of time with Sky and Willow, they are at such fun ages. I didn't get any pictures unfortunately!
boot huntin'
we had the best weekend in elko with the fam for Raegan's homecoming talk from her mission in Chile. We spent Saturday night driving around town getting pictures in front of these boots! These are just a few of many, many pictures.
Anddd that's a wrap! I really love my majors and my classes were so great this semester. I learned SO MUCH. I wrote so many papers in French and now my writing is actually kind of good. I read so many books and short stories and plays in French. I think my vocabulary has probably doubled. Learning French is so fun, most of the time I felt like I wasn't even doing homework.
I also spent two days a week helping in an ESL classroom at Salt Lake Community College. I learned so much about teaching and language acquisition, it was the greatest hands-on experience. One day after class, one of the students raised her hand and then pointed to me. She told everyone how she thought I was such a great teacher and I had helped her understand a new concept very clearly. That felt SO good! It was such a rewarding experience every day in that class.
And the BIG news is that Giuseppe GRADUATED LDS BUSINESS COLLEGE!! He started right before we got engaged, so LDSBC has always been a part of our married lives. He's thinking about UVU next to get his bachelor's. His degree is in business management and he got really good grades each semester. I'm so proud of him! He loves studying business and he's really good at sales, so whatever he ends up doing career-wise I know he'll be successful.