Thursday, January 26, 2017

Christmas Break: What We Did

Hey blog readers,

Sorry for the long absence. My excuse isn't lack of time or anything, more like a lack of content! My life has been feeling extra boring lately (you'll find out why at the end of the post), but I've compiled a little summary of what we did during our Christmas break.. Enjoy:

Here are the highlights of our 3 weeks without school:

The Saturday after finals week we headed to ELKO for Romney's homecoming! It was a blast. We hung out with family, stayed in a hotel suite with my fam, G went swimming with his clothes on, we hung out with Romney + fam for hours on end, and ate delicious Russian borscht. It rocked.

Sophie got a RIDICULOUS amount of Jimmy Johns loaves after her Saturday night shift for the luncheon. Sadie begged us to take some. I really hate Jimmy Johns, but G took a couple loaves. He snacked on one that night.

That next Monday I had a little Christmas party with my old roomies. We exchanged gifts, ate Costa Vida, talked about everything under the sun, and it was amazing. Ugh but why do we never take pictures?!

That night was THE BEST. We had a family Christmas party in Lehi and it was sooooo fun to have Romney back. We just had to make up a dance, for old times sake. Romney, Mallerie, Ava, Alivia, Landrie, Kate, Violet, and I even convinced Giuseppe to participate and it was hilarious. He looked so cute doing those ballet moves ;) It was amazing.

The next day G and I went to the Provo City Center temple with Romney and Sadie.

Afterwards G and I showed them the most delicious (and ghetto) Mexican restaurant in Provo. Sadie treated us to delicious burritos and we chatted for a long time. It was so much fun!

That evening we went to help out with Vivint's Sub For Santa. I LOVE Sub For Santa. It's like, my thing. We wrapped presents for like 3 hours, and then we got to actually deliver them! It was such a cool experience to surprise these families with things they desperately needed as well as some gifts for the kids. Wonderful.

One of the highlights of my Christmas Break was nannying for the Gordon's again! The drive to Heber wasn't too bad. I had so much fun going to the rec center, library, Walmart (their favorite), making movies, breaking up fights, witnessing meltdowns, and catching up with Heather :)

We had dinner with Luke and Hazel later that week. They have a cute little apartment in Salt Lake, near us! They told us about their adventures in France. I can't wait to go and get a move on with my French!

G and I babysat the bishop's adorable kids one night. Their two little girls reminded me of Mallerie and I when we were little. Showing off to the babysitter, making excuses to not go to bed haha. They are hilarious. The baby boy is the cutest thing in the world too!

On the 24th, we drove up to Brigham City to visit Mama Hess. Rob and Angela came as well! We ordered pizza, exchanged gifts, and played with the kids. It was so much fun! I love my in-laws.

That night we headed to Orem for our annual Christmas Eve bethlehem dinner with the Bocanegra's. 'Twas beautiful.

We went back to my parents house that night and opened pajamas and sibling gifts. Awkward that we forgot Callie's at our apartment... Luckily my mom has a stash of toys hidden away for her. Spoiled little girl... ;) just kidding Callie, you're the sweetest little girl in the entire world.

Christmas morning ROCKED. My parents surprised us with so many great things including a SWEET Fuji (Polaroid) camera!! I love it.

G and I also took Callie sledding during the afternoon. G is the cutest.

^those things are so fun, am I right?

The next day, my dad treated the fam to Rodizio Grill to celebrate them finishing the BOM. The food was so good, I want to cry just thinking about it.

The next day we headed back to SLC.

I drove down to Provo and hung out with Liz that Wednesday! She shopped, I browsed, we tried delicious French pastries, and I tried to leave an awful review for the Sephora we went to. The music was SO loud and so obnoxious. It was the absolute worst music I have ever heard. Well maybe second from the time that G and I took a road trip to yellowstone with some friends when we were dating and Dominic blasted heavy metal the entire drive....

Haha but anyway Liz and I had a rockin' time :)

On December 30th I babysat the Gordon's. G was a doll and deep cleaned the entire apartment while I gone. He even organized the horrendous storage closet in our apartment! Oh how I love that boy.

As I was leaving the Gordon's, Brigham asked me if he could have a sleepover at our apartment. I thought, "why not?" and drove him to Salt Lake. He and Giuseppe had nerf gun wars for hours while blasting Brigg's favorite song, "Space Unicorn". It is just as hideous as it sounds haha.

We took Brigg's to our family's day-early New Year's Eve party and the three of us had a blast. Especially Brigham, he wowed us with his nunchucks and participated animatedly in all of the games! What a cutie, we loved having him with us.

My dad's side of the family sure can throw a party! We ate delicious tamales (my latest obsession), played games, and counted down to the last day of 2016.

Our actual New Years Eve was quite different. We said goodbye to Brigham in the morning, and decided to spend our evening being chaperones at the stake dance.

I didn't like stake dances when I was a youth, but I guess it was a little better having a cute husband by my side the whole time.

The kids' BO though... Oh man. That was hard to put up with. The cutest local band came and played 50's music the whole time (yes, the whole time), and G and I danced and danced. And I tried to teach him how to hula hoop!

After the dance we helped clean up and then gave some rides home.

Go service!

January 2nd was our anniversary!

FIRST ANNIVERSARY. 366 days of marriage. We're like.... old now.

How we celebrated: sharing a delicious sandwich at Aubergine, browsing Barnes & Noble travel section (instead of actually traveling. #collegestudentprobs), thinking about getting a dog and attempting to bond with some in the shelter (#nokidsprobs), driving in a snowstorm to see a movie in Lehi (Collateral Beauty. It was too sad for me), and having a late dinner at Cheesecake Factory.

Go marriage!

People kept asking me, "can you BELIEVE it has been a year already?"

Um, yes, very much.

It was the longest year of my entire life! It was a great year, don't get me wrong but oh my gosh summer 2016 went on for eternities. I am still scarred from it! Things are going to be much, much different this summer.

I will write more details about our summer plans later, but I will tell you that Vivint is taking us to Bentonville, Arkansas! I'm so excited to move to another city and do things differently. #saleswifeperks

Anyway, a couple days after our anniversary G and I decided he should snag an opportunity to work in Louisiana for the next few months. So we spent every second together and every last gift card and then... poof. he was gone.

I have since started school and I thought this dramatic selfie I sent to G last week pretty much sums up my life since January 8th:

Thank you to my wonderful friends who have kept me somewhat sane thus far!

G is coming to visit me next week, so all will be well soon enough! He's going to help me move too! I'm so excited for a change of scenery!

xoxo to you all

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