Thursday, February 11, 2016

How Rare A Possession

The other night Giuseppe forced me to stay awake even though I was exhausted. 

He needed to watch a video for his religion class, and he wanted me to watch it with him. He told me he had seen it on his mission and loved it so so much. 

This little movie is only an hour, and although the quality is absolutely dreadful, you MUST watch it! 

It is an incredible story about FAITH and HOPE and PATIENCE and TRUE DOCTRINE! If you don't come away from this movie with an undying love for the Book of Mormon, then I can only think of one other thing that will:

Go read it!! It is the book of happiness! 

I love the part at the very, very end where Vincenzo is welcomed into the Switzerland temple. What a happy sight, to see such a faithful man about to receive the knowledge and peace of the temple.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Culturing My Husband

I have this random fetish for dance recitals, so when I heard about a ballet performance going on at the U, I insisted to Giuseppe that we go.

We went to a ballet (Aladdin) together back in May, but it was cut short due to a fire drill. He's been to a couple of his niece's dance recitals, but he's never really experienced REAL ballet.

The show had lots of diversity- there was classical ballet, Eastern European ballet (Bulgaria was represented!!), and MODERN ballet, which is always the most fun to watch.

The modern ballet section was quite long and very silent and very dark and very dramatic. It was fascinating. Giuseppe kept clearing his nose, but it sounded like he was stifling laughter, so that was kind of embarrassing. 

Here are the only pictures I got that night, us sharing a delicious rainbow lollipop. 

Go art!

Happy birthday to somebody out there

G texted me during my shift on Saturday night asking what I wanted for dinner when I came home. I told him, "Birthday cake!", but then half an hour later I wrote back, "jk we can just have leftover tacos." 

Anyway, G being the total babe that he is actually MADE ME A CAKE!

We made the frosting together when I got home out of makeshift ingredients we had lying around.

Because we don't have a beater or a kitchen aid (so sad), the process involved us taking turns whipping the liquid in the bowl as fast as we could for as long as we could before screaming in pain and dropping to the floor and letting the other person take the next shift. 

Eventually, we had mediocre frosting to put on his homemade cake!

I love this cutie.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Throwback: Life in the 307

Last night I spent time with some of my FAVORITE people...

My old roommates!

In celebration a our eighteen month anniversary (ish) of us being friends, let's take a look back on some of our memories:

This is the note we left on the door for the pizza guy just a couple days after we all moved in.

Bridal Veil Falls adventure!

Driving to the ward campout!

Madi turns 19

A trip to our favorite Gelato place, Amelia's

Dinner at my parent's:

Photoshoot with Kylie:

Kylie studying with Shane

Kylie's yoga mat made her look like Katniss, we so had a little photoshoot before school:

I'm including this picture because a. I am wearing Kylie's clothes (I miss her closet!!!) and b. This was taken MOMENTS before G came to pick me up for our first date! I don't know who I sent this to and what I was talking about but whoooo cares.

Megabed! This lasted for a week

Ally sent me this creeper pic of AL, the interesting man I tutored.

Stephanie and Daniel studying!

Kylie's late night photography project

Featuring these babes:

Shopping & Dinner

Kylie found a container of what USED TO BE plain cream cheese in our fridge

Cleaning the church!

Sacrament meeting!

Right before move out :(

I was so blessed to have been put randomly with these ladies! We will be friends forever. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wedding Video!!!

My fantastic uncle Cade got some sweet shots of our big day and made this PHENOMENAL video!

Here are just some of my favorite parts:

  • Savannah running up to me after we came out of the temple.
  • Sadie and Lindsey's "candid" laughing
  • Graham's blinking eyes close-up
  • Daniel's growl and cat-claw at the camera
  • Ava's "uboxing" comment 
  • "You are almost as great as Grandpa and me"- Granny
  • The look on Carly's face when she catches my bouquet: PURE joy and disbelief
  • G's adorable laugh when we are cutting the cake
  • Dick's dancing
  • Little Ivy spinning around with the camera
  • Me trying to stay alive as Giuseppe yanks me away not hearing my screaming
  • Hannah smacking me on the butt as we leave
  • My sass while the elevator closes at the end. 

Thank you Cade!!!